joi, 25 septembrie 2014

Massive heart attack

The massive heart attack is a medical emergency that can lead to death in all individuals who do not have a quick and effective treatment. Almost half of the cases die before reaching hospital due to how quickly it happens and the lack of effective care. It manifests generating symptoms such as sudden chest pain and breathlessness in individuals who sometimes never suffer from heart disease. Due to its severity, can lead to death in minutes if not promptly diagnosed and treated.
Causes of massive heart attack

The fatal heart attack is caused, mostly, by the obstruction of blood flow by breaking a plate of fat which is adhered to the inner wall of the vessel. When this plaque ruptures, releasing inflammatory substances that are capable of resulting in complete blockage of the blood vessel, so as to prevent the passage of blood to carry oxygen to the heart walls. The absence of this oxygen causes the muscle suffers, which is reflected in chest pain and later, can result in death of the heart muscle.

Individuals who are overweight, who have high cholesterol or have increased the rate of triglycerides in the blood, are the most likely to suffer a heart attack.

Given the suspicion of a massive heart attack, you should call an ambulance for the patient to be taken as soon as possible to the hospital to be started early, treatment in order to prevent muscle loss and death of the individual .

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