joi, 25 septembrie 2014

Treatment of heart attack

Treatment of heart attack is initially done in the hospital and generally includes the use of drugs and angioplasty with stent, which is to open and keep open a blood vessel.

Upon arrival at the hospital, some initial steps are taken such as cardiac monitoring, an electrocardiogram, oxygen therapy, and the use of drugs like aspirin, Isordil, Beta blocker and Antiplatelet agents, for example.

After this initial procedure, the patient should remain in hospital for a few days until it fully recovers. During this period he will have a light diet, low salt and fat and should remain at rest, doing only the exercises of physiotherapy to prevent respiratory complications and improve blood circulation.

After discharge the individual should continue the treatment at home with healthy food and doing physical therapy. It is important to avoid efforts, strong emotions and take the medicines prescribed by the cardiologist daily.

The infarcted patient should return for an appointment with the cardiologist in 15 days or at least 1 time per month in the first 6 months after infarction.

Some important recommendations after a heart attack, avoiding a new infarction, are:

     Do not drive in the next 60 days;
     Avoid strenuous activity;
     Avoid stress, irritability and anxiety;
     Only perform physical exercise under medical supervision and with the help of a specialist physiotherapist in cardiofuncional or physical educator;
     Adopt a healthy diet, avoiding foods high in fat and sugar;
     Avoid extreme temperatures like heat above 40 or below 5 ° C cold

The patient who has suffered a heart attack have a greater chance of suffering a heart attack again and so it is important to follow the treatment properly, adopting all measures to prevent myocardial mentioned above.
Drug treatment of myocardial

Drug treatment of myocardial infarction can be done with the use of remedies as:

     Vasodilators, intravenous;
     Intravenous or subcutaneous anticoagulant;
     anxiolytic and

After this initial procedure, the patient can be sent to perform a cardiac catheterization, which will be surveyed obstructions of blood vessels and defined treatment.
Physical therapy after myocardial

The physical therapy should be initiated after myocardial still in the hospital, after releasing the cardiologist, and can be maintained for life. It may contain:

     Physical and breathing exercises;
     Muscle stretching;
     Up and down stairs;
     Strengthen muscles with aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

The intensity of exercise varies according to the stage of rehabilitation in which the individual is. Initially it is suggested 5-10 minutes of exercise two times per day until the individual can perform one hour of exercise a day, which happens around 6 months after infarction.

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